
Fashion Tips For Plus Size Women

If you have a plus-size figure, you'll know that finding on-trend clothing for work and play can sometimes be a struggle. No matter what your size, any woman can look beautiful if she knows a few tricks to help her look her best. Plus sized women are no exception Knowing how to choose the right clothes, the right jewelry, the right makeup, and the right hairstyle can transform any woman into a fashion diva! Wear Well-Fitted Clothes It’s important that you wear clothes that fit well. Some full figured women wear clothes that are too tight and look like they’re bursting at the seams. Others are so ashamed of their bodies, they try to hide under too big clothes. Neither is flattering for your body. Wear clothes that are your size, and you will immediately look better. V-Neck Tops V-neck tops look especially great on plus size women. If you like it, wear a slightly deeper neck too. V-necks elongate your look and bring the eye downwards. High Waists or Low Waists ...

The Best Way To Make Him Commit

If you're not exactly sure what kind of relationship you're in - whether it's real or Imaginary and how he truly feels about you, it's so easy to get stuck in that awful situation where he has all the power and you feel insecure and confused so much of the time.  you're finding yourself stuck in an Imaginary Relationship where he's all of a sudden talking about being "friends" or how he's "not ready for a relationship yet" and you don't know where to turn? You have been seeing this guy for few months. You go out together, go to dinner, talk everyday all day while he's at work, but, now all the sudden he says he looks at as if you were just a friend and not someone to be in a relationship with.  Here also i want to answer the question from one of comment in my article Why Men Act "Hot And Cold" She has been best friends with this guy for almost to 2 years now and they've dated on/ off. And they've been slee...

How To Deal With Men

Hi girls… Pernah nggak kamu merasa bete, marah, dan kesel sama cowokmu karena kamu pikir cowokmu itu ngga mengerti perasaan kamu dan keinginan kamu terhadap dia? Pastinya semua cewek pernah merasakan hal itu dan termasuk saya sendiri, bahkan sampe membuat saya frustrating untuk menghadapi cowok, saya merasa bahwa semua cowok cowok itu bajingan, breangsek, dan nggak punya otak. Saya merasa stuck! Setelah sekian lama saya mencari jawaban mengapa semua hubungan saya ngga ada yg berhasil dan mandek ternyata jawaban nya sangat simple tapi lumayan sulit untuk di praktekan. Saya terlalu needy, merasa ngga secure, dan terlalu ketara kalo saya menginginkan komitmen. Pantasan aja setiap saya punya teman kencan, baru 3 bulan semua nya pada kabur, justru pada saat 3 bulan itulah masa masa rawan, si cowok akan melihat apakah cewek ini bagus untuk di ajak komitment atau mengambil langkah seribu untuk kabur. Sewaktu si cowok mulai menarik diri alias masuk ke dalam goa nya seperti yg di tulis d...

What To Do When A Man Withdraws

Love is sometimes difficult to understand and men can quite often be complex creatures for women who love them. Almost every man, at one time or another, is going to withdraw from the woman he loves. There are some definite steps that you can take to draw him closer and to keep from pushing him further away. Relationship advice can be tough to follow and, quite often, amazingly enough, the thing you should do is the exact opposite of what you feel like doing. Relationship problems are a realilty for all of us but the following will help you know what to do when a man withdraws. First and foremost, give him space. It is natural to want to call the man you love or be near him when you think he is going through a hard time. Stop. That's right - simply stop. Men, unlike women, process their worry and anxiety differently than women. It is natural for us to think that his withdrawal is related to us and the relationship. That may be true, but not necessarily. And, even if it is, he need...

How to Tell a Guy You Love Him

Moving into the stage of a relationship where you express the deepest of feelings for that special guy is an exciting yet fear-tinged moment as you're not quite sure whether the feeling should be expressed at this point of time, whether or not he'll reciprocate the feeling, and whether or not this is the one for you. Telling a guy you love him for the first time can be a little easier with a gradual approach Telling him "I love you" is an important step in building intimacy in a relationship. It's three words that weigh a lot and says a lot about your commitment to your partner. Therefore you should be absolutely positive you love your partner before you utter that sentence and also be prepared for all possible responses. STEP 1.Think about when and where you want to tell him. Is there a special place you want to be? A certain day? For example, you might want to tell him at the restaurant where you went on your first date, or on the two-month or nine-month anniver...

How to Keep a Man Interested

The first step to make a man stay interested in a woman is to stop doing the things that annoy him. All right. Do you know what's the number one thing that most women (me included) do when we feel the guy is losing interest? We try to CONVINCE him to change his mind. When a man just isn't interested, we beg, chase, plead, and do everything we can to try to change his mind. Bad idea! I tried it and it never worked. Here's the thing: when it comes to keeping a guy interested, trying to CONVINCE him or TALKING HIM INTO liking you never, never, ever works. Yes, there needs to be closeness and intimacy for a solid relationship. However, the closeness has to evolve in steps. Men get scared easily when it comes to emotions. And some women are in a hurry to share or "load" their emotions. It gives them a fake feeling of closeness. The worst thing that a woman can do is to CONVINCE a man to like her. Every time you do this, it eats away the attraction he still feels insid...

How connect blackberry modem

Finally saya bisa menggunakan blackberry 8900 untuk modem ke laptop dengan kartu XL akan tetapi biaya sambungan gprs tidak temasuk layanan blackberry, untuk xl Rp.5/kb cara-cara penyetingan nya adalah sbb: Install dulu Blackberry Desktop Manager v.4.7 Hubungkan Blackberry ke laptop menggunakan kabel data yg terdapat di dalam kotak blackberry. Buka applikasi Blackberry Desktop Manager yg sudah terinstall di laptop,pastikan aplikasi ini sudah terloading dengan benar dan pin blackberry muncul di sudut kiri bawah. Setelah itu deteksi modem blackberry dengan cara: Klik Start > Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options Pada kotak Phone and modem options pilih Modems setelah itu pilih Standard Modem yg di gunakan oleh usb port blackberry Klik properties > Querry Modem jika hardware modem blackberry sudah terinstall dengan benar maka akan muncul tulisan tulisan di dalam kotak Querry Modem Selanjutnya klik Advance ketik +cgdcont=1,"IP","" (operator XL) +...