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Manfaat Luar Biasa Lemon untuk Hidup Sehat

Siapa yang tidak senang menikmati segelas perasan lemon dingin di musim panas?  Selain fakta bahwa itu adalah minuman yang sangat menyegarkan ada kabar baik lainnya tentang lemon.  Yaitu lemon memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang sangat besar di dalamnya!  Dan lemon telah ada selama bertahun-tahun. Manfaat Lemon Untuk Kesehatan  Ada beberapa manfaat kesehatan dari buah lemon.  Lemon terdiri dari (88%) air dan (10%) karbohidrat.  Mereka mengandung sedikit lemak dan protein.  Lemon kaya akan vitamin C dan serat.  Mereka mengandung sejumlah mineral yang sehat seperti zat besi, kalium, kalsium, dll. Vitamin C sangat penting dalam mengantisipasi flu biasa.  Virus ada di sekitar kita dan banyak dari kita yang cenderung mengalami pilek, batuk, dan bahkan sakit kepala.  Masalah ini bisa sangat menjengkelkan dan infeksi virus tetap menjadi alasan paling umum mengapa banyak orang harus mengunjungi dokter spesialis untuk perawatan. Hanya dengan mengonsu...


Jus buah berperan besar dalam menurunkan berat badan dan merupakan minuman yang sangat sehat untuk kehidupan sehari-hari.  Jus buah dapat membuat Anda merasa energik kerena mengandung mineral, serat, dan antioksidan yang sangat tinggi.  Jus membantu menurunkan berat badan dengan meningkatkan pencernaan Jus sayuran tertentu membantu meningkatkan kesehatan kardiovaskular dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah.  Membuat jus adalah metode sederhana untuk mengonsumsi banyak suplemen tanpa memakan seluruh produk tumbuhan.  Sayangnya, kelayakan diet jus tidak terlalu dipertimbangkan, tetapi banyak orang yakin bahwa mereka menghasilkan penurunan berat badan yang cepat. Berikut adalah rincian beberapa jus yang dapat mengahancurkan lemak serta dapat Anda nikmati tanpa efek samping: Jus jeruk dan jahe  Jus jeruk dan jahe adalah minuman detoksifikasi yang luar biasa.  Ini dapat mencegah penaikan  berat badan. Lebih baiknya meminum jus jeruk dan jahe setiap du...


Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bahwa minum air putih baik untuk kesehatan. Tapi bagaimana jika menambahkan beberapa irisan sayuran dan buah mentah bersama dengan beberapa bumbu?  Kedengarannya seperti air dengan super power kan?  Air dengan campuran buah dan sayur adalah yang disebut air infus.  Tergantung dari sayuran, buah-buahan, dan kadang-kadang rempah-rempah yang kita tambahkan ke dalam air, itu menjadi obat untuk berbagai penyakit. Bagaimana Air Infus Dapat Membantu Penurunan Berat Badan?    Anda mungkin berpikir bagaimana bisa meminum air dengan beberapa sayuran segar dapat menurunkan berat badan?  Tidak mungkin menurunkan berat badan dalam semalam.  Mengurangi berat badan adalah proses yang lambat kecuali jika Anda menjalani operasi yang memiliki risiko sendiri.  Mengkonsumsi air infus untuk menurunkan berat badan bukan hanya metode yang aman dan alami tetapi juga meningkatkan asupan nutrisi Anda.  Dapat meningkatkan metabolisme dan...


Kayu manis yang biasa kita pakai sebagai bumbu masakan itu berasal dari kulit kayu bagian dalam pohon Genus Cinnamon dan ternyata kayu manis selain digunakan untuk bumbu masakan memiliki manfaat lain yang sangat bagus untuk kesehatan kita.  Apalagi jika dicampurkan dengan Apel dan Lemon lalu kita minum setiap hari. 5 Manfaatnya untuk menurunkan berat badan  1. ANTI INFLAMASI  Kayu manis memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi. Manfaat air kayu manis dapat mengurangi peradangan. Peradangan kronis dapat menyebabkan atas berbagai penyakit yang meliputi radang sendi, penyakit neurodegeneratif, penyakit radang usus, dll. Sedangkan Lemon, di sisi lain, mengurangi peradangan di perut.  Ketika tubuh Anda bebas peradangan, akan mudah bagi Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan. 2. KAYA ANTIOKSIDAN  Ramuan air  kayu manis dengan apel dan lemon mengandung antioksidan yang dapat mencegah penyakit jantung dan kanker.  Makanan kaya antioksidan memiliki lemak dan rendah kalori yang...

Fashion Tips For Plus Size Women

If you have a plus-size figure, you'll know that finding on-trend clothing for work and play can sometimes be a struggle. No matter what your size, any woman can look beautiful if she knows a few tricks to help her look her best. Plus sized women are no exception Knowing how to choose the right clothes, the right jewelry, the right makeup, and the right hairstyle can transform any woman into a fashion diva! Wear Well-Fitted Clothes It’s important that you wear clothes that fit well. Some full figured women wear clothes that are too tight and look like they’re bursting at the seams. Others are so ashamed of their bodies, they try to hide under too big clothes. Neither is flattering for your body. Wear clothes that are your size, and you will immediately look better. V-Neck Tops V-neck tops look especially great on plus size women. If you like it, wear a slightly deeper neck too. V-necks elongate your look and bring the eye downwards. High Waists or Low Waists ...

The Best Way To Make Him Commit

If you're not exactly sure what kind of relationship you're in - whether it's real or Imaginary and how he truly feels about you, it's so easy to get stuck in that awful situation where he has all the power and you feel insecure and confused so much of the time.  you're finding yourself stuck in an Imaginary Relationship where he's all of a sudden talking about being "friends" or how he's "not ready for a relationship yet" and you don't know where to turn? You have been seeing this guy for few months. You go out together, go to dinner, talk everyday all day while he's at work, but, now all the sudden he says he looks at as if you were just a friend and not someone to be in a relationship with.  Here also i want to answer the question from one of comment in my article Why Men Act "Hot And Cold" She has been best friends with this guy for almost to 2 years now and they've dated on/ off. And they've been slee...

How To Deal With Men

Hi girls… Pernah nggak kamu merasa bete, marah, dan kesel sama cowokmu karena kamu pikir cowokmu itu ngga mengerti perasaan kamu dan keinginan kamu terhadap dia? Pastinya semua cewek pernah merasakan hal itu dan termasuk saya sendiri, bahkan sampe membuat saya frustrating untuk menghadapi cowok, saya merasa bahwa semua cowok cowok itu bajingan, breangsek, dan nggak punya otak. Saya merasa stuck! Setelah sekian lama saya mencari jawaban mengapa semua hubungan saya ngga ada yg berhasil dan mandek ternyata jawaban nya sangat simple tapi lumayan sulit untuk di praktekan. Saya terlalu needy, merasa ngga secure, dan terlalu ketara kalo saya menginginkan komitmen. Pantasan aja setiap saya punya teman kencan, baru 3 bulan semua nya pada kabur, justru pada saat 3 bulan itulah masa masa rawan, si cowok akan melihat apakah cewek ini bagus untuk di ajak komitment atau mengambil langkah seribu untuk kabur. Sewaktu si cowok mulai menarik diri alias masuk ke dalam goa nya seperti yg di tulis d...

How to Tell a Guy You Love Him

Moving into the stage of a relationship where you express the deepest of feelings for that special guy is an exciting yet fear-tinged moment as you're not quite sure whether the feeling should be expressed at this point of time, whether or not he'll reciprocate the feeling, and whether or not this is the one for you. Telling a guy you love him for the first time can be a little easier with a gradual approach Telling him "I love you" is an important step in building intimacy in a relationship. It's three words that weigh a lot and says a lot about your commitment to your partner. Therefore you should be absolutely positive you love your partner before you utter that sentence and also be prepared for all possible responses. STEP 1.Think about when and where you want to tell him. Is there a special place you want to be? A certain day? For example, you might want to tell him at the restaurant where you went on your first date, or on the two-month or nine-month anniver...

How to Keep a Man Interested

The first step to make a man stay interested in a woman is to stop doing the things that annoy him. All right. Do you know what's the number one thing that most women (me included) do when we feel the guy is losing interest? We try to CONVINCE him to change his mind. When a man just isn't interested, we beg, chase, plead, and do everything we can to try to change his mind. Bad idea! I tried it and it never worked. Here's the thing: when it comes to keeping a guy interested, trying to CONVINCE him or TALKING HIM INTO liking you never, never, ever works. Yes, there needs to be closeness and intimacy for a solid relationship. However, the closeness has to evolve in steps. Men get scared easily when it comes to emotions. And some women are in a hurry to share or "load" their emotions. It gives them a fake feeling of closeness. The worst thing that a woman can do is to CONVINCE a man to like her. Every time you do this, it eats away the attraction he still feels insid...

How to reduce cellulite

Cellulite is fat cells being trapped by fibers that have formed a network.These fibers are constantly cleansed by body fluids and poor circulation retards this cleansing process. The result is disastrous. Waste materials accumulate; they slowly thicken and become hard pockets of immovable fat. Nobody knows what really causes it, but there are enough theories concerning the causes of cellulite. What we can say is that, the causes of cellulite are numerous and different. But, one thing most common for cellulite is its origin. Hormonal factors such as estrogen and folliculine also play a role in cellulite formation. Cellulite is for the most part found in women during their hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause and also whilst taking birth control pills. A woman's hormones are usually responsible for the regulation of their blood flow, fat, connective tissue and lymphatic drainage. HOW TO LOSE CELLULITE? -Maintain a normal weight. If you are overweight reduce your...

Why Men Act "Hot And Cold"

Why is it so easy for other women to fall in love with a man, and for their relationships to effortlessly come together and grow... While YOU keep attracting all the men out there who are "unavailable" or who SEEM great at first, but eventually get scared and just can't go "deeper" with you? Is this "unavailable" thing really a problem so many men are carrying around that gets in the way of love? Or... Could it also be that YOU play a part in finding men who are "unavailable"? Or that you bring about that unavailable RESPONSE inside a man, a response that even the most "evolved" men have lying dormant inside them? I want to share with you what could be a new and enlightening perspective on all this.. There's an important realization all SMART and LOVING women come to at some point in their love lives. It's a "light bulb" that suddenly just turns on... and when it does you instantly g...

Are Older, Successful Men Scared Of Commitment?

Hi girls,would you recognize a "good man" if you saw one? Do you frequently meet and get into relationships with men you THOUGHT were going to be right for you... Only to discover many months down the road that they're not, and it causes you a lot of pain and frustration? A man will often be on his "best behavior" the first 6 months you're dating. It's often hard to "see" him for who he really is when you're experiencing a lot of attraction and chemistry. This is why it's CRUCIAL for you to figure out early on, before you get too involved, whether or not he's MATURE ENOUGH to have a good relationship, and whether he's ready to be the kind of man you need him to be for you. Maybe this is something you've been curious about, too. You've met a man who's over 40. Let's say he's never been married. He's got a great career, is fairly successful, and has a lot going on in his life. ...

3 Truths About Men You Won't Believe‏

Hi Girls... If you've always wanted to know what makes a guy "feel it" for one woman and not another...Or why men cheat... why they seem to withdrawfrom emotional discussions... and what almost ALL men want from a woman... Are there certain things you believe about men and relationships that can actually be HURTING your chances at real and lasting love? Tell me if you agree with any of thesestatements about men: - Men like a challenge. They like the chase. If you're too "easy" or approachable, they'll getbored or lose interest. - Men are dominant in relationships and women therefore are unable to express themselves. - Men cheat and are incapable of being monogamous. - Men would secretly love to date and sleep with different women the rest of theirlives rather than just have to stay with one serious, committed relationship. - Men just want to have fun and "freedom" and noresponsibility. Did you find yourself nodding at any of these? Do you feel ...

Smart money for women

Hi girls ... If you feel that you have financial problem and every month you don't have enough money with your salary then you can try this. Please write it down all of your expenses every day for each month. After that you can find out where is the expenditure doesn't actually you really need it and you can cancel that budget. Start to save, at least 10% of the salary that you receive each month. Open a separate account for savings, this savings is only for emergency, like if you need it to pay the hospital. Buy insurance policy which is inlcuding with a unit link, because with the investment unit link you can plan your future, for example, to fund your retirement. Do not purchase the things which have depreciation of value by credit, because by the time you paid your loan the debt value price has become cheap, so if you want to buy a mobile phone for example, it is better to saving first and pay with cash than you purchase with the credit in advance. Hi girls ... Jika Anda me...